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Ronan Doyle

The Best Summer Dishes In Dublin Right Now

After a snowy start to spring and summer kicking off with the coldest June for years, it’s fair to say the seasons aren’t playing ball this year, but that hasn’t stopped their best produce finding its way to our plates (just don’t ask about the spuds). From plump peaches to tart tomatoes, Pride-themed pastries to "you-put-strawberries-in-what", here’s some of the best seasonal summer treats on menus right now...

Peach and fig leaf custard bun, Elliot’s

Phibsborough is often our first port of call for seasonal sweet stuff, and that’s thanks to Elliot’s, who bring the goods time and time again. If you can make it through the words fig leaf custard, honey roast peach, and toasted sesame whipped ganache without covering yourself in drool you’re made of stronger stuff than us.

Aged Anjou pigeon with Céret cherries, Chapter One

Trust Chapter One by Mickael Viljanen to bring out the big guns when it comes to summer seasonality - plain old cherries are fine, sure, but Mickael Viljanen has turned to Céret for the very best. This tiny French Catalonian commune grows such great cherries they’ve got a whole festival dedicated to them, and this is your chance to get a taste in without having to travel.

Zucchini slice, Mani

It might be more familiar as the result of creeping Americanisms in food names, but zucchini is of course the original Italian name for what we more often call courgette, so we’ll allow it this time from Roman-style Mani. Whatever you call it, it comes to life paired with creamy and sharp flavours, and the choice of lemon whipped ricotta and habanero chili sauce nails it.

Cherry sandwich, Daddy’s

Not much gets us as excited as a left-field use of seasonal fruits, and few so regularly delight us with their recipe development as Daddy’s. The Rialto café had the bright idea of subbing cherries in for tomatoes, along with lettuce, bacon and Durrus cheese, in what we can’t believe they haven’t called a BLC.

Peach granola, Flower & Bean

Floral, fruity and healthy-ish is how Flower & Bean are pitching this granola bowl and that sounds like just the right combo. White chocolate is one of our favourite ways to tease out the full flavour of peach, with green tea and jasmine flowers also in the mix for a little complexity – an optimal summer start the day.

Sea bream ceviche with watermelon, Lottie’s

There’s plenty of seasonal stuff on offer from the new summer menu at Lottie’s, but we’ve got eyes only for the ceviche. Chunks of sea bream get sweetness and sharpness from watermelon and ponzu, while sesame cracker and thin-sliced radish are there to add crispy and crunchy textures. They’re getting on-trend with a passionfruit paloma too – sounds like a good pairing to us.

Summer sandwich, BaaBaa

A classic summer combo gets a stacked sandwich outing at BaaBaa, with charred aubergine slices joining fruity cherry tomatoes between thick slabs of olive and rosemary focaccia. Dill and lemon-flavoured whipped ricotta brings a bit of indulgence to the mix, while a generous drizzle of house basil pesto finishes off thier summer sambo perfect for a picnic.

Tuna and tomato, D’Olier Street

It’s not just fresh flavours we love summer for, but all the pretty colours too, and few place are making more of that than D’Olier Street. The bold green of basil plays off the deep red of tuna tataki and San Marzano tomatoes, with bright white horseradish bringing the balance. Viva Italia.

Roast peach hotcake, Two Boys Brew

Available all day are the words we needed to hear on seeing this seasonal stunner, cos we’d eat this one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plump peach, wrinkled from roasting, sit in a mound of vanilla mousse and lemon curd, scattered with chia seeds and a streusel crumb, all piled high on a thick hotcake. If only Two Boys Brew could keep this one on all year.

Strawberry sandwich, Eatyard

Look, we couldn’t not include this one for the novelty factor alone. TikTok has given a new viral lease of life to the Japanese fondness for fruit sandwiches, and 7-11’s strawberry version gave the Eatyard crew an idea. Is it all that different to a strawberry shortcake? There’s only one way to find out..

Burrata and heirloom tomato, Row Wines

Row Wines have been making hay with their €10 lunch flatbreads on their terrace in recent weeks, but there’s just as much to salivate over inside. This classic summer pairing was made for a wine bar, with a creamy burrata and multi-coloured chunks of top-quality tomatoes just begging to be tried with a glass of whatever you fancy.

Pride cruffin, Bread 41

For the weekend that’s in it, Bread 41 have taken things a multi-coloured step further with this rainbow twist on their typical seasonal cruffin. A strawberry cheesecake crème pat takes up the space between layers of flaky pastry, while a dollop of vanilla whip supports the crowning glory. All proceeds on Saturday go to BelongTo, so you can stuff yourself for a good cause.

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