We're in the last throes of game, mushroom and squash season, and pumpkins are quite literally everywhere we look, from doorsteps to dinner menus citywide. Here's where to get that last orange-filled fix before it's all-change for turkey, ham and sprout season...

Pumpkin Slice, Mani
We can always count on pizza Kings Mani to keep it fresh, and next up in their specials is this brand new slice with Crown Prince pumpkin, cavolo nero, pumpkin sauce, whipped ricotta, lemon & Parmesan. Their slices are made with organic flour and a 72-hour fermentation, and this is as good as pizza gets.
Hokkaido pumpkin and Hegarty's cheese, Mae
The current starter course on the tasting menu at Mae is giving all the Autumnal vibes. Hokkaido pumpkin comes with smoked Hegartys cheese ravioli, and is that candied beetroot we spy...
Oxtail rigatoni, Coppinger
New to lunch and dinner menus at Coppinger is the rarely sighted oxtail, serve with rigatoni, chestnut mushrooms and crispy kale. A bowl of this and a bowlful of red wine - what more could you want of an Autumn evening.
Pumpkin ravioli, Osteria Lucio
There's a crying shortage of handmade pasta restaurants in Dublin, but for a real taste of Italy, Osteria Lucio is bringing the goods. They roast the pumpkins for their pumpkin ravioli in the restaurant's wood-fired oven, before serving it with Toonsbridge ricotta, chanterelle mushrooms, sage and brown butter.
Monkfish with roasted butternut squash, Orwell Road
Autumn is the season of game, rich sauces and root veg, but that doesn't mean fish should be forgotten. Orwell Road are serving monkfish loin served with roasted butternut squash, crispy mussels, and rainbow chard, all sitting on a rich seafood bisque.
Haochi rabbit, Hakkahan
We're seeing a surprising lack of game on menus right now, and weren't expecting Hakkahan in Stoneybatter to be the first ones to bring the Autumn rabbit. They're serving French bunnies with glass noodles for their Haochi rabbit, and promising all the bold flavours.
Butternut squash gnocchi, Lottie's
We love when places don't phone in their seasonal stalwarts, and Lottie's have taken a simple butternut squash gnocchi and super-charged it with Parmesan, crispy pumpkin seeds and balsamic glaze. Look at that silky smooth sauce...
Pumpkin on toast, Tang
Trust Tang to bring the Autumn feels to brunch time. They're roasting pumpkin and serving it on toast with labneh, pickled onion, zhoug, maple crunch and hot honey, and all we can say is gimme.
Beef shin papardelle, Little Washer
You could slow braise your own Irish beef shin, trying to work out the perfect proportions of meat to wine to tomatoes, or you could let Little Washer do it for you, serve it on their parpadelle and top it off with truffle Pecorino. We know which one we'd go for.
Mushrooms a la crème, September
Will anyone think of the mushrooms? Phew, September have, and they're serving theirs a la crème on wide sheets of pasta, with a limited amount of the "dankest truffles" as an optional add on.
Pumpkin risotto, Note
Keeping it ever simple and effortlessly attractive, Note have a pumpkin risotto on the menu topped with roast pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, cubes of Tallegio and crispy sage. Pair with a glass of white Burgundy for maximum effect.
Pumpkin Pizza, Slice of Naples
Slice of Naples have taken a brief break from being online comedians to come up with a Halloween pizza special. There's pumpkin, sausage, fennel, pancetta and Gruyère cream, all on that Neapolitan base we loved.
Baked Mont d'Or, Sheridans
What's the Autumn/Winter season without a baked Mont d’Or, and Sheridans have a suggestion for a DIY version with garlic and white wine. Bake it for 20 minutes and dip bread, crudités or potatoes to your cheese loving heart's content.