From ceviche to crab rolls, and Sake meets Tiramisu, we're officially gagging for an al fresco meal in the sun, inhaling all of this. These are the five things we most want to eat in the capital this week, and if you too are gagging for a meal with the sun's rays hitting your arms, check out our comprehensive guides to eating outdoors in Dublin here and here...

1) Leek Tarte Tatin, Bread 41
It's said that the Tarte Tatin was invented accidentally just south of Paris by a female hotelier back in 1880s, who left her apples cooking too long and tried to rescue the situation by throwing the pastry on top and flinging it in the oven. So maybe we have Stéphanie Tatin to thank for this oniony artwork from Bread 41. Their leek tarte tatin is available from 11:30 on Saturdays and Sundays, and if you brave that queue you better leave with at least one.
2) Ceviche & shortrib, Row Wines
Row Wines have dropped their new seasonal menu and summer just got a little more interesting. Summer is ceviche season, and the Row Bros are bringing it with this seabass, burnt pineapple, and habanero combo. Their orange crusted pork croquettes with burnt apple puree sound like a winner to us, and we haven't even mentioned the shortrib with caramelised celeriac, pickled walnuts and a spiced crumb. One (at least) of each please.
3) Apple cake, Milo's
Dropping this weekend at Milo's is this burnished apple cake given the summer treatment with a large scoop of vanilla bean ice cream on top. They lace it with the same legendary salted caramel that's used in their caramel lattes, and as we'll be using all and any excuse to eat Ice cream for the next few months, this feels like a good place to start.
4) Crab rolls, Charlotte Quay
Crab and lobster stuffed brioche rolls are a summer right of passage around here, and this crab roll with pickled cucumber and fries from Charlotte Quay has us pleading for the good weather to stick around. Eating this on the waterfront at Grand Canal Dock needs to be ticked off our summer bingo card.
5) Sake Tiramisu, Gopan
This Sake Tiramisu creation from Japanese bakery Gopan is our kind of drink. Based in Bray, Michiko Ishimoto's bakery operates on a pre-order basis only (to combat food waste) twice weekly and delivers to Dublin. Japan meets Italy over dessert - what's not to like.