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5 Things We Want To Eat In Dublin This Week

Meera Nair

With spooky season approaching, it’s no accident that four out of five of the things we want to eat this week are filled with sugar. We're tempted to don a witch's hat and do our version of trick or treating, running around town grabbing one of each of these...

1) Crème Brûlée Doughnut, Flower & Bean

Anyone tracking our Instagram activity would be concerned by how many times we’ve watched this reel of Flower & Bean’s crème brûlée donut. The top of the donut is glazed like a Crème Brûlée, giving it a satisfying snap as it's torn apart, revealing a smooth custard inside. A regular jam will never look the same again.

2) Blueberry Clafoutis, Clanbrassil House

The latest dessert special from Clanbrassil House looks like art and sounds like poetry. Their blueberry clafoutis (served with marizpan tuille and buttermilk ice cream) originated in the Limousin region of France in the 19th century, but for the moment you can find it at 6 Clanbrassil Street Upper.

3) Ham & Cheese Rolls, Yeeros

Yeeros’ new dish feels like it deserves a more grandiose title than "ham and cheese rolls", which evokes memories of a packed lunch at school, or a takeaway from Spar. The classic filling is rolled up in filo pastry, deep-fried and served with a side of mayo mustard dipping sauce, and we bet it beats the deli counter any day.

4) Almond Ugly, Strudel

Strudel’s new pastry creation comes with its own ugly duckling-esque backstory. The bakers take off-cuts of croissant pastry that would otherwise go to waste, bake them in a tin with brown sugar and sliced almonds, and cover them in a chocolate ganache. We'd like to give this pastry the confidence boost it deserves by not leaving a crumb behind.

5) Crushed Pumpkin, Pecan & Maple Spiced Bake, Honey Truffle

Introducing Autumn in tray bake form. Honey Truffle’s newest addition to their baked good counter is this crushed pumpkin, pecan and maple spiced bake, decorated with crumbed pistachios and caramel dipped pecans. They're obviously fans of the phrase "go Halloween hard or go home".

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